Past Editions


Every week, we satisfy our appetite for insights with the “Brain Nuggets” newsletter, within which we explore Behavioral Science topics (specifically human Heuristics) and their impact on consumer decisions.  

We decode, discuss, and discover how to combat (or capitalize on) these natural inclinations to make smarter Media and Marketing decisions, understand humans on a deeper level, and uncover the hidden behaviors within ourselves!  All in a bite-sized briefing.

Halo Effect

Judging someone or something favorably based on an unrelated positive trait.

IKEA Effect

A tendency to overvalue items that we have customized or built ourselves.

Choice Overload Effect

A phenomenon that causes decision-making to be impaired by too many choices.

In Group Bias

The tendency to give preferential treatment to others in our “circle”.

Endowment Effect

The tendency to give preferential treatment to others in our “circle”.

Confirmation Bias

Favoring information that confirms our beliefs while undervaluing (or ignoring) conflicting evidence.

Picture Superiority Effect

The tendency to remember pictures better than words.

Curse of Expertise

A cognitive bias that prevents an expert on a topic from relatating to the viewpoint of a non-expert.

Zeigarnik Effect

The tendency to remember incomplete or interrupted tasks more than completed ones.  

Moral Licensing

The tendency to remember incomplete or interrupted tasks more than completed ones.